Your wedding ceremony is the past and future coming together, full circle. The start of a lifelong marriage that centres on love.



You can choose the type of wedding service that suits you and your partner perfectly. There is no pressure to have the 'typical' wedding, it is for you to design the wedding that feels right for you. I also perform name giving ceremonies for new babies.


I completely understand that this whole process can be overwhelming, and life doesn't stop while you plan your wedding (even though it would be great if we could put a few things on hold). Here's where I explain the finer details like the legality, costs, and planning. We strive to make choosing a marriage celebrant in Perth an easy experience.

Your stories ...


These are the stories of the couples I have had the pleasure of meeting and some little things that I have learned along the way that will hopefully help your wedding too. I am so humbled to be a part of something so special.



“Lauren has such a calm and sensitive nature that put us both at ease during the ceremony. She set the tone for our wedding which carried on throughout the entire evening. We couldn't be happier."


Let's chat

Fill in a few details and we can arrange a phone chat, or to meet in person to discuss your ceremony. I always look forward to meeting new couples, hearing their unique stories and how they plan to celebrate their commitment.